Ladies, let’s talk.

How is your sensitivity down there?

Are you a mom who has experienced changes since pregnancy and childbirth?

Or have you not had children, but experienced vaginal dryness, stress urinary incontinence, or painful sexual intercourse?

If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, we need to talk about vaginal rejuvenation procedures.

Why Feminine Rejuvenation?

Our body is all about balance. Balance in hormones contributes to balance in our overall health. Over time, women experience changes in vaginal tissues due to changes in hormones, menopause, or childbirth. Low estrogen levels, for example, have been recognized to decrease vaginal lubrication, increase the risk of urinary tract infections due to a thinning of the urethra, cause irregular or absent menses, and affect mood. Women also experience an imbalance in estrogen levels due to things like rigorous exercise, extreme stress, or depression.

The changes and imbalance of female hormones contribute to changes in the appearance, feel, and function of vaginal tissues externally and internally.

The Female Rejuvenation Procedure

J. Sweat Plastic Surgery offers a nonsurgical feminine rejuvenation system, called ThermiVA. This is a non-invasive laser vaginal rejuvenation method that uses radiofrequency energy.

What is radiofrequency and is it safe?

Radiofrequency (RF) is a type of energy, that is measured in wavelengths. All types of energy from soundwaves of a speaker to sunlight, to wi-fi are classified by frequency on the “electromagnetic spectrum.” The RF energy used in this procedure is on the low end of the range.

With this nonsurgical treatment, RF energy is used to heat the external vaginal tissue and internal tissue in the vaginal canal with a hand-held wand. As the tissues heats, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. Collagen is a natural structure found in our skin that helps skin look young. Elastin works with collagen to keep the skin firm and tight. By stimulating elastin and collagen production, cell turnover happens, helping loose skin become firmer, addressing vaginal laxity, and making the area look more youthful.

This treatment is painless and only takes approximately 30-45 minutes, which is much shorter than surgical treatments.

Patients report improved exterior appearance of vaginal structures, also improved overall vaginal health.

Downtime After Vaginal Rejuvenation

With nonsurgical treatments like ThermiVa, there is no downtime associated. Some patients notice an immediate change after vaginal rejuvenation treatments but not always. The customized treatment plan will consist of a series of treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart. It takes time to remodel tissue and collagen and elastin, so it may take multiple sessions to achieve final results. The response and longevity of results vary based on each patient’s lifestyle and hormones.

Request a Consultation

The feminine rejuvenation treatment is one of our most popular procedures in the office. To get started on your customized treatment plan, schedule a consultation with Irina Dariychuk, nurse practitioner at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery Center. To do so, you can call our office or fill out an online form.

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Due to age, menopause, or pregnancy, women may start to experience loosening vaginal walls, dryness, stress urinary incontinence, and other discomforts. With ThermiVa, patients can begin to improve their love lives and build self-confidence through a simple, painless in-office procedure.

What is ThermiVa?

ThermiVa is an in-office, non-surgical procedure for labia and vaginal tightening and rejuvenation. By delivering controlled radiofrequency energy to the desired areas, ThermiVa works to gently heat vaginal tissue as well as encourage collagen formation, which will give tissue more strength and thickness and increase lubrication. Treatment time is around 30 minutes for each session and uses no anesthesia, incisions, or lasers, making the entire process virtually painless. The complete procedure includes three separate treatments over the course of three to six months, with each treatment occurring four to six weeks apart.  A yearly touch-up treatment may be recommended or desired.

After ThermiVa

Since ThermiVa is a non-surgical procedure, patients are able to resume all regular activity, including sexual intercourse, immediately after each treatment.  Although patients may experience improvements after just one treatment, the full three-treatment procedure is recommended to achieve full, lasting results.  Touch-ups are then required once or twice a year.

Benefits of ThermiVa:

Decrease Vaginal Laxity—ThermiVa treatments tighten the full length of the vagina as well as the opening, making a noticeable difference for both patient and partner.

Decrease Vulvar Laxity—ThermiVa treatment tightens external labial tissues allowing more comfort and confidence while wearing tight clothing and bikinis.

Reduce Urinary Leakage—Women who experience stress incontinence can see a reduction in symptoms without the use of mesh slings.

Reduce Vaginal Dryness—ThermiVa promotes the growth of softer, thicker skin with more moisture, making daily life and sexual activity more comfortable.

Increased Sexual Satisfaction—ThermiVa causes an increase in vaginal sensitivity and stronger muscular contractions allowing the patient to achieve orgasms more easily.

As you can see, ThermiVa can positively impact your life in many ways! To learn more about ThermiVa in the Sacramento area, contact our office today.  For more information, visit our blog page

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