Many patients considering breast surgery find selecting a procedure challenging. Which one is right for you? Understanding the various types of breast surgery can help you prepare and make an educated decision with the help of your plastic surgeon. Breast surgery doesn’t just enhance the size and shape of your breasts, but it can also give you the confidence you deserve by creating a bustline that complements your body and desired aesthetics.

Understanding Breast Surgery & Who Gets It

Cosmetic breast surgery seeks to alter the size, shape, and position of the breasts. People get breast surgery for a variety of reasons, including to add volume, lift, and improve the appearance of their breasts. In some cases, people seek breast surgeries to reduce the size of their breasts for greater comfort and overall well-being.

What Are the Types of Breast Surgery?

With the different types of breast surgery available, it can be difficult to know which one will give you the results you’re looking for. That’s where Dr. Sweat and his expertise come in. Scheduling a consultation appointment at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery will help you determine the right breast surgery to meet your needs and aesthetic goals.

Some of the breast surgeries we offer include:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the most popular breast surgery procedure. The procedure increases the size of the breast through implants filled with saline or silicone. In some cases, patients opt to increase their breast size with implanted autologous fat. If breast augmentation is right for you, Dr. Sweat will help you determine the type of breast augmentation needed to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Breast Lift

As people age, go through pregnancy, or lose weight, their breast tissue can begin to sag. For a breast lift, Dr. Sweat will make a small incision and tighten the existing breast tissue for a lifted and more youthful appearance.

Breast Augmentation & Lift

Some patients need a combination of a breast augmentation and a lift. Sagging breasts that have lost volume can look fuller, rounder, and more youthful after an augmentation and lift. With these two procedures, you can achieve a  complete breast makeover!

Breast Revision

After augmentation, some patients come back in later years for breast revision surgeries to change the size, position, and shape of the augmented breasts. This can be done by moving the implant to the right position, adding silicone or saline to the implant for a greater enhancement, or removing and replacing the implant altogether.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can cause pain in the shoulder, neck, and back and can even lead to poor posture. A breast reduction procedure removes excessive breast tissue and makes the breasts smaller and more manageable. If you’re experiencing pain, problems fitting in clothes, or issues performing everyday activities, a breast reduction may be the perfect option for you.

Gynecomastia Surgery

When males develop unwanted breast tissue and enlarged breasts (also known as gynecomastia), it can addressed by removing the tissue with a surgical procedure. Dr. Sweat will remove the breast’s glandular tissue and use liposuction to remove any excess fat in the chest area, giving you the more masculine contours you desire.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or volume of your breasts,  breast surgery can help. To learn more about breast surgery and the right procedure for you, scheduling a consultation is a perfect first step. During your consultation, Dr. Sweat will examine your breasts and talk to you about your desired aesthetic goals. He will make sure you’re informed about all your options and help you decide which will be best to meet your needs.

Call our Sacramento, CA office today at (916) 400-0822 or use our online contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!

Posted in Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast Reduction, Breast LiftLeave a Comment on Understanding Breast Procedures and Which One is Right For You

Are you uncomfortable with your breast size, volume, or shape? We understand your struggles. With time, breasts can lose shape and begin to droop due to age, pregnancy, and more. Fortunately, you can undergo surgical procedures to restore or change the size or volume of your breasts.

Some of the most common surgical procedures include breast augmentation and breast lift. Let’s take a look at the specifics and then with the help of a surgeon, you can decide which is right for you.

What You Should Consider

There are many elements you need to consider before you decide whether a breast augmentation or a breast lift is right for you and your needs. Some of the points your should examine include:

Breast Size

Are you unhappy with the size of your breasts? You may feel like your breasts are too small for your liking. Perhaps you wish to fill out your clothing better or achieve a more proportionate overall body shape. Or maybe one breast is larger than the other and you want them to even them out. If that’s the case, you may consider undergoing a breast augmentation and breast implant procedure.

Breast augmentation surgery involves placing breast implants into the breasts to augment their shape and size. There are two main types of breast implants used today, including saline breast implants and silicone breast implants. Silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel, while saline implants are filled with a sterile salt water solution. Consulting a surgeon can give you a better idea of your options for breast implants.

Breast Volume

Do your breasts feel saggy or droopy? Some factors like pregnancy, aging, and significant weight loss can affect the volume of your breasts. A surgeon can restore a more youthful breast contour by performing a breast lift and/or breast augmentation procedure.

If you wish to change your breast size and also restore breast volume, breast augmentation is likely the better option. On the other hand, if you wish to restore your breasts to a more youthful position, a breast lift may be a better fit. These two procedures can also be combined to improve both breast fullness and position.

Position of the Nipples

Do you feel as if your nipples are positioned too low? If you have sagging breasts, your nipples might droop as well. In this case, a breast lift may be a great option. A breast lift will restore the position of your nipples and make your breasts appear fuller and rounder. During this procedure, your surgeon will create incisions to remove excess skin and/or tissue and lift the breasts to a more youthful position. Nipples may also need to be repositioned depending on individual anatomy.

Combining a Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation

While breast augmentation mainly focuses on the volume and size of your breasts, breast lift surgery involves altering the position of your breasts. In some cases, both procedures might be necessary.

Since a breast augmentation does not change the position of your breasts, you can combine both procedures to achieve your desired goal. You can also complement a breast lift with a breast augmentation to achieve a natural look and improve the overall shape of your breasts.

Other Breast Procedures

If neither of these breast surgery options caters to your personal aesthetic goals, you may also consider a breast reduction. This procedure involves removing excess breast tissue and skin from the breasts to reduce their size. For more information regarding breast reduction surgery, please contact our office today.

Consult a Professional

While weighing your options is important, getting professional help is the key to healthy breasts that you’re happy with. To learn more about which surgical procedure is right for you, set up a consultation appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Sweat at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Sweat is a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in the industry. He knows the ins and outs of breast surgery procedures and cosmetic surgery procedures for the breasts and will help you make the best choice for you. Set up a consultation today to achieve your body goals.

Posted in Breast Augmentation, Breast LiftLeave a Comment on How to Decide if you Need a Breast Augmentation or a Breast Lift

If you’ve been going back and forth on whether you want breast implants, you’re not alone. Breast augmentation surgery is a major decision. But it’s important to keep in mind that the benefits outweigh the risks, especially when you partner with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Here are 8 reasons to go ahead and get breast implants with the help of Dr. J. Sweat.

1. Breast Implants Are Safe and Come with Few Complications

Despite what many people say, breast implants are very safe when placed by board-certified plastic surgeons. Breast surgery still has inherent risks, but your plastic surgeon can help you mitigate them and make sure your procedure is safe and successful. Make sure not to skimp on finding an experienced and certified plastic surgeon when looking into your options. You want someone who can properly reshape your breast tissue, insert your silicone, silicone gel, or saline breast implants, and give you the results you’re looking for.

2. Breast Enhancement Boosts Self-Confidence

Many breast augmentation patients were unhappy with their breast size and shape for a long time before their procedure. That’s why breast augmentation has one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction out of any plastic surgery procedure. With breasts that better suit your figure, you’ll feel improvement in many different areas of your self-esteem.

3. Breast Implants Last a Long Time

Most saline and silicone breast implants will last 10 to 15 years before needing revision. Some enhancements last a lifetime. Whatever type of breast implant you choose, it makes a great investment in your long-term confidence.

4. No More Uncomfortable Push-Up Bras

Getting breast implants means you won’t have to endure wearing uncomfortable bras to look right in your clothes. With breast implants (or breast augmentation with a breast lift), you can say goodbye to (at best) a temporary solution and feel great about your breasts in all situations.

5. Recovery Is Quick and Easy

Compared to most surgery, recovery from breast augmentation surgery is quick and easy. While you will need some time to heal, most patients feel normal after only a few days. You will be able to return to work within one or two weeks and resume a regular exercise routine after six weeks. And when following proper aftercare, you will have minimal scar tissue.

6. Symmetrical Breasts and Nipples

Many breast augmentation patients seek saline and silicone implants because they want symmetrical breasts and nipples. Having one breast larger than the other can make finding bras difficult and may require you to wear a silicone enhancer. Your plastic surgeon can tailor your breast augmentation with different implants and implant placement suited to each breast to achieve greater symmetry.

7. You Can Create a Natural Look

Many people wonder if they will look like they’ve had plastic surgery after they get implants. However, an experienced plastic surgeon can create a natural appearance by reshaping your breast tissue and inserting silicone or saline implants that fit your body type and simply look like a fuller, more shapely version of your natural bust.

8. More Wardrobe Options

Many people feel like they can’t wear certain styles due to the size of their breasts. If you’ve had trouble filling out your favorite tops, dresses, or swimsuits, breast augmentation can help.

Schedule a Consultation

If any of these reasons resonate with you, please schedule a consultation with Sacramento, CA, Dr. Jeffrey Sweat at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sweat has more than ten years of experience helping patients get the body they want instead of settling for what they have. To schedule an appointment, contact us by calling or filling out our online form.

Posted in Breast AugmentationLeave a Comment on 8 Reasons to Go Ahead With Getting Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed to date, with women around the world benefitting both physically and emotionally from breast enhancement. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you will be faced with a number of important choices to make. One of the choices to consider is the implant filler material: saline and silicone.

What to consider when choosing an implant

When facing the choice between saline and silicone breast implants, several factors should be considered, including age and desired aesthetic. While silicone and saline implants both have their advantages and disadvantages, often one filler material makes more sense for a patient over the other.


Silicone gel implants are made from a silicone shell filled with soft, elastic gel, giving it the feel and movement of natural breast tissue. Because silicone gel breast implants are pre-filled, they may require a larger incision for placement, and certain incision locations may make more sense than others. Silicone gel cannot be absorbed into the body; therefore, if a rupture were to occur, a trip to your surgeon would be required immediately in order to have it safely replaced. However, since the gel is not absorbed and instead has a stable consistency, which will maintain the breast implant shape, an implant could break without obvious external signs. Thus, the FDA recommends screening for rupture with an MRI on a regular basis. This type of implant is approved for patients 22 years and older.

Because of the thicker consistency of the implant, placing the implant under the pectoral muscle is not required to help camouflage the implant, and increasingly, women are making the choice with their plastic surgeon to place the implant over the muscle, thus avoiding other side effects. The choice of implant filler, location of placement, and location of incision for placement are all considerations that you will discuss in depth with Dr. Sweat prior to making a decision for surgery.


Saline implants are made with the same silicone shell, which is then filled with sterile salt water. With a fluid consistency, “rippling” or “wrinkling” can occur where folds of the implant may be visible and felt under thin skin. These implants can be filled before placement or at the time of the surgery to allow minor adjustments in size. Unlike silicone implants, the saline implant would deflate during a rupture, and the saline solution would be safely absorbed into the body. Thus, a rupture or breakage of the implant is usually obvious, and no screening is required to diagnose a rupture. The breasts will remain two different sizes until the implants are replaced. Placement under the pectoral muscle is virtually always recommended to help camouflage the implant and provide more breast tissue coverage for a more natural feel. These implants are FDA-approved for patients 18 years of age and older.

If you are considering breast augmentation and would like to learn more about your implant options in Sacramento, contact J. Sweat Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


Posted in Breast Augmentation, Breast ImplantsLeave a Comment on Silicone vs Saline Breast Implants

Breast augmentation, also commonly referred to as a boob job, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures available. It can be done using breast implants or fat transfer to make the breasts larger and enhance your figure. Different techniques can be used in breast augmentation surgeries, depending on the patient’s needs. If you opt for implants, there are different types and sizes from which to choose. While there are many techniques that can be used in breast augmentation surgeries to reshape the breast tissue, this essential guide is meant to help break down Dr. Sweat’s specific approaches so you’re prepared for further conversations when you schedule a consultation.

If you are looking to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you should know what to expect. Here is a guide on the procedure to help.

Choosing A Breast Implant Type

There are different types of implants available to enhance your breasts. Technology has evolved considerably, which allows you to get a more natural feel with implants. Before you choose the breast implant size, the plastic surgeon will take measurements and do an assessment of your skin and breast tissue. This allows the doctor to make recommendations that are better suited for your body.

Dr. Sweat will provide direction on which shape works best for your body type. You’ll then choose from our various-sized breast implants with his input. Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel and have a more natural feel. Also known as “gummy bear” implants, these silicone gel implants are the top choice for most women and have been around for about two decades. There are also saline breast implants, which are filled with sterile water.

The inframammary fold incision is optional with silicone implants due to a lower risk of capsular contracture. Dr. Sweat uses gummy bear Sientra implants.

Breast Implant Placement

After the type and size of your breast implants are decided, Dr. Sweat will insert them under the pectoral muscle, also known as submuscular placement. The benefit of placing your silicone implants here is that they tend to produce a more natural appearance that’s desired by many breast augmentation patients. It’s also found to reduce the rate of capsular contracture. Recovery is an important process when using this method, which we’ll highlight next.

Recovery and Adjusting to Your New Breasts

Breast augmentation surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. As a result, you can return home the same day of your procedure. After a few hours, you can be up and about, and you will be able to leave your home after a few days. Please refer to your patient packet and discharge instructions to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of excess scar tissue.

You will feel soreness in the first week after your breast surgery and may have to take it easy in the first three to five days. It’s advised to avoid strenuous movements of your arms and chest muscles and to limit upper-body mobility. You will need to wear a surgical bra or a compression garment to minimize swelling for the first few weeks.

Generally, you should avoid any type of vigorous activity or exercise in the first six to eight weeks after breast augmentation surgery so you can recover without issue. Also, avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything over 5 lbs. You should be able to do some light exercise such as walking, but your surgeon will tell you when you are cleared for normal activity.

Schedule a Consultation

If you live in Sacramento or the surrounding areas and are interested in getting breast augmentation surgery, contact Dr. Jeffrey Sweat at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation today.

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