Many patients considering breast surgery find selecting a procedure challenging. Which one is right for you? Understanding the various types of breast surgery can help you prepare and make an educated decision with the help of your plastic surgeon. Breast surgery doesn’t just enhance the size and shape of your breasts, but it can also give you the confidence you deserve by creating a bustline that complements your body and desired aesthetics.

Understanding Breast Surgery & Who Gets It

Cosmetic breast surgery seeks to alter the size, shape, and position of the breasts. People get breast surgery for a variety of reasons, including to add volume, lift, and improve the appearance of their breasts. In some cases, people seek breast surgeries to reduce the size of their breasts for greater comfort and overall well-being.

What Are the Types of Breast Surgery?

With the different types of breast surgery available, it can be difficult to know which one will give you the results you’re looking for. That’s where Dr. Sweat and his expertise come in. Scheduling a consultation appointment at J. Sweat Plastic Surgery will help you determine the right breast surgery to meet your needs and aesthetic goals.

Some of the breast surgeries we offer include:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the most popular breast surgery procedure. The procedure increases the size of the breast through implants filled with saline or silicone. In some cases, patients opt to increase their breast size with implanted autologous fat. If breast augmentation is right for you, Dr. Sweat will help you determine the type of breast augmentation needed to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Breast Lift

As people age, go through pregnancy, or lose weight, their breast tissue can begin to sag. For a breast lift, Dr. Sweat will make a small incision and tighten the existing breast tissue for a lifted and more youthful appearance.

Breast Augmentation & Lift

Some patients need a combination of a breast augmentation and a lift. Sagging breasts that have lost volume can look fuller, rounder, and more youthful after an augmentation and lift. With these two procedures, you can achieve a  complete breast makeover!

Breast Revision

After augmentation, some patients come back in later years for breast revision surgeries to change the size, position, and shape of the augmented breasts. This can be done by moving the implant to the right position, adding silicone or saline to the implant for a greater enhancement, or removing and replacing the implant altogether.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can cause pain in the shoulder, neck, and back and can even lead to poor posture. A breast reduction procedure removes excessive breast tissue and makes the breasts smaller and more manageable. If you’re experiencing pain, problems fitting in clothes, or issues performing everyday activities, a breast reduction may be the perfect option for you.

Gynecomastia Surgery

When males develop unwanted breast tissue and enlarged breasts (also known as gynecomastia), it can addressed by removing the tissue with a surgical procedure. Dr. Sweat will remove the breast’s glandular tissue and use liposuction to remove any excess fat in the chest area, giving you the more masculine contours you desire.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or volume of your breasts,  breast surgery can help. To learn more about breast surgery and the right procedure for you, scheduling a consultation is a perfect first step. During your consultation, Dr. Sweat will examine your breasts and talk to you about your desired aesthetic goals. He will make sure you’re informed about all your options and help you decide which will be best to meet your needs.

Call our Sacramento, CA office today at (916) 400-0822 or use our online contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!

Posted in Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast Reduction, Breast LiftLeave a Comment on Understanding Breast Procedures and Which One is Right For You

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed to date, with women around the world benefitting both physically and emotionally from breast enhancement. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you will be faced with a number of important choices to make. One of the choices to consider is the implant filler material: saline and silicone.

What to consider when choosing an implant

When facing the choice between saline and silicone breast implants, several factors should be considered, including age and desired aesthetic. While silicone and saline implants both have their advantages and disadvantages, often one filler material makes more sense for a patient over the other.


Silicone gel implants are made from a silicone shell filled with soft, elastic gel, giving it the feel and movement of natural breast tissue. Because silicone gel breast implants are pre-filled, they may require a larger incision for placement, and certain incision locations may make more sense than others. Silicone gel cannot be absorbed into the body; therefore, if a rupture were to occur, a trip to your surgeon would be required immediately in order to have it safely replaced. However, since the gel is not absorbed and instead has a stable consistency, which will maintain the breast implant shape, an implant could break without obvious external signs. Thus, the FDA recommends screening for rupture with an MRI on a regular basis. This type of implant is approved for patients 22 years and older.

Because of the thicker consistency of the implant, placing the implant under the pectoral muscle is not required to help camouflage the implant, and increasingly, women are making the choice with their plastic surgeon to place the implant over the muscle, thus avoiding other side effects. The choice of implant filler, location of placement, and location of incision for placement are all considerations that you will discuss in depth with Dr. Sweat prior to making a decision for surgery.


Saline implants are made with the same silicone shell, which is then filled with sterile salt water. With a fluid consistency, “rippling” or “wrinkling” can occur where folds of the implant may be visible and felt under thin skin. These implants can be filled before placement or at the time of the surgery to allow minor adjustments in size. Unlike silicone implants, the saline implant would deflate during a rupture, and the saline solution would be safely absorbed into the body. Thus, a rupture or breakage of the implant is usually obvious, and no screening is required to diagnose a rupture. The breasts will remain two different sizes until the implants are replaced. Placement under the pectoral muscle is virtually always recommended to help camouflage the implant and provide more breast tissue coverage for a more natural feel. These implants are FDA-approved for patients 18 years of age and older.

If you are considering breast augmentation and would like to learn more about your implant options in Sacramento, contact J. Sweat Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


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