Psychology & Guilt Surrounding the Mommy Makeover | Plastic Surgery Center of Sacramento

The Psychology and Guilt Surrounding the Mommy Makeover

The Psychology and Guilt Surrounding the Mommy Makeover

The Psychology and Guilt Surrounding the Mommy Makeover

There are many plastic surgery procedures out there, such as the mommy makeover, that are designed to address a woman’s body post-pregnancy and give you back your pre-baby body. It can include a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures like tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, breast lift, and more. Unfortunately, there is a lot of stigma surrounding plastic surgery. Many mothers feel guilty or worry about the example they set for their children by investing in it. However, being a mother might make you the most deserving candidate for mommy makeover surgery.

You’ve Made Sacrifices

Pregnancy means giving up your body for nine months or longer if you choose to breastfeed. During that time, there are strict rules for what you can or can’t eat and drink. There are physical limitations as your baby grows and your belly expands. The pain of childbirth might be the greatest sacrifice of all. Afterward, you can be left with stubborn fat, sagging skin, and changes to your breasts that weren’t there before, causing you to be uncomfortable or unhappy in your own body.   After making so many sacrifices and giving up your body to have a child, it should be your turn to invest in yourself and your happiness.

Be the Best You

There is no doubt that children learn not just from our actions but also from our moods and behavior, which are often unspoken and unrecognized parts of child development. We don’t want to send a message to our children that might make them think they have to change themselves to be beautiful; however, plastic surgery isn’t about “having to change.” Plastic surgery should be done to assist you in becoming the best you by boosting your confidence and self-esteem so you can live life to the fullest. It is important to invest in yourself so that you can lead a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, and this is something your children can learn from you and will pick up not just on your actions but your demeanor, mood, and outlook on life. If you are depressed and unhappy with your body, your children will also learn that they should be critical and unhappy with their own bodies. There should be no shame in taking proactive steps to restore self-confidence and pride in your body.

But is it Safe?

Nothing strikes fear in a parent’s heart more than the thought of losing a child, but running a close second is the thought of leaving a child without a parent. In addition to the concern of selfishness for having done something for themselves, one of the most common concerns expressed by women considering a mommy makeover procedure is, “What if something happens to me? What will happen to my children?”. Having a fear of surgery is completely normal, natural, and, frankly, healthy. No one should proceed with surgery without being fully informed about the associated risks and comfortable making that choice. However, the risk of an adverse event that can be life-threatening due to surgery or anesthesia is extremely small. While no surgery is without risk and no guarantees can be made, it is important for perspective to understand that women have statistically a much higher chance of being seriously injured in a car accident than having a mortal risk from surgery.

If you’re ready to start investing in yourself with the gift of plastic surgery, contact us today! We can give you more information on the procedures we offer and schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sweat or his Patient Care Consultant.

Posted in Mommy Makeover