What is a Mini Tummy Tuck or Partial Abdominoplasty?

For patients who are considering a tummy tuck but may be unfit for the procedure due to no laxity or laxity occurring solely in the muscle below the belly button, there is still a way to achieve the body contour they desire: the mini tummy tuck.  Additionally, patients who are obese but need to have the apron of skin removed below the belly button due to infections or limited mobility can benefit from the mini-tummy tuck as a less invasive procedure than a full tummy tuck.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Sacramento Procedure

The incisions used in a mini tummy tuck are usually shorter in length and less noticeable than incisions used for a full tummy tuck; only one is created at the bikini line and none around the belly button. The goal of a full or modified tummy tuck is the same: to create a tighter, flatter stomach. Through a single, short incision at or above the pubic area that stretches a few inches across the lower abdomen, Dr. Sweat will remove excess skin, and perhaps use a fat-removal procedure like liposuction to further contour the area.  In heavier individuals wishing to improve contour but may not be good candidates for a full tummy tuck, the incision is often longer, extending from edge to edge of where the skin excess starts and stops.

Recovery from a mini tummy tuck is usually shorter than it is for a traditional tummy tuck (as well as a belt lipectomy, for instance) but it is important to stress that this procedure is still considered major surgery.

Patients in the Sacramento area who are interested in the mini tummy tuck procedure can contact J. Sweat Plastic Surgery today to schedule their initial consultation.