What is IPL Laser?

IPL treatments, or Intense pulsed light treatments, are used to treat unwanted pigmentation on the skin. This unwanted pigmentation can be from sun damage, melasma, scars, broken capillaries, and hyperpigmentation from acne or brown spots. IPL targets these areas of pigment and draws it closer to the surface of the skin with each treatment, where eventually it will flake off, leaving you with clearer more even skin. The pulsed light is also able to address some texture as well, so you may also notice that fine lines and acne scar depressions can be improved as well due to the increased collagen production. Overall, the intense pulsed light emits light waves to the targeted areas to improve the discoloration and redness.

Who is a Candidate?

IPL treatments can be used to treat a wide variety of skin condition that causes pigmentation issues in the skin. Patients experiencing rosacea, hyperpigmentation, sun spots, and scars such as stretch marks are good candidates for IPL treatments for the purpose of reducing unwanted pigmentation in the skin. The number of treatments needed will vary by the size of the treatment area, as well as the severity of the pigmentation. Candidates will be consulted by Dr. Sweat regarding a proper treatment plan for their unique skin care needs. For most conditions, patients can expect to undergo anywhere between two and six procedures with four weeks in between.


For best results, patients should avoid unprotected sun exposure during and after treatments. This procedure is able to reverse pigmentation, so it will provide improvement until further aging or further effects of skin conditions show up. In general, the results are long-lasting; but it is important that the patient properly protects their skin as well as stay in contact with Dr. Sweat’s office to schedule maintenance treatments each year, particularly after a season of increased sun exposure.